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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Giant Cupcake that Ate Homer's Birthday!

So no recipe this week more of a tip post.

For Tristan's Birthday I decided to try out the Wilton Giant Cupcake Pan. I Googled some tips (seeing as how the actual pan comes with no information) and got to work.

I used 2 boxes of cake mix and upon reflection I probably could have gotten away with one. Just make sure you put an equal amount in each side. As you can see it mushroomed ALOT. I baked it using a slightly longer time than the bundt cake directions. However I kept rotating it and kept an eye on it, as each oven is different.

I made sure to both grease and flour the pan beforehand and as such it took only a quick slip of a knife to get it out.

I did have to trim the mushroom part off and it worked pretty well. My Mom suggested I freeze the left over bits for making triffle later on.

To be honest the only really difficult part was icing the cake. I don't have a pastry bag or icing tips, but I can tell you that the standard spatula method did not really do the cake justice. I think it would have been easier and prettier if I had used a pastry bag.

All that said, everyone really like the cake. Thanks to Jenna for lending me the pan!

1 comment:

Tristan said...

This cake was wonderful in every way. Thanks, Hungry Hungry Hilly!