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Monday, December 14, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like...something

Maybe it is the lack of the white stuff but I haven't really been feeling the Christmas spirit this year. Oh, we have our decorations up and have been to a few holiday parties but something feels not quite there yet. All this is quite strange since for the first time ever I have finished my Christmas shopping well in advance of the mad holiday rush.

While I am not one of those virtuous souls who buys only handmade or gives only gifts they have made themselves I thought I might put forward just a few things that have caught my eye over the last week or so.

Over at a blog I really like called Orangette there is a pretty tasty looking recipe for caramel corn. While it doesn't keep forever and ever perhaps it would work for a holiday party hostess gift.

On another Canadian food blog called Everybody Like Sandwiches there is a mass listing of all her favourite recipes to make as gifts along with printable gift tags to attach. I used said gift cards to attach to gifts I am giving to my co-workers this year, homemade chutney.

Going into this I know that I am the only person in the office who will give everyone a gift (I was the only person last year as well). It is less because I am a nice person and more because I am a bit of show off (see how together I am! I made everyone a present! I have it all together!), and because damn if this isn't the easiest recipe ever. It comes from the gorgeous book Nigella Christmas which I got as a lovely birthday gift last year. Since many of the recipes are for 8-10 I really haven't had call to use it but then I remembered the section on handmade gifts and pulled it out for this office round.

I recommend the book particularly if you are hosting Christmas for the first time or starting your own new family traditions. It provides a step by step guide to the big day, along with a dessert section to be reckoned with.

In the meantime here is the chutney recipe found easily online or in her wonderful book.

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