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Friday, August 1, 2008

Just a Little Something

I am still trying to master vegetables on the grill so as a result many of our BBQ meals consist of coleslaw or salad as their vegetable accompaniment.  So when I remembered a portabello mushroom pizza recipe from the GI cookbook I thought I would give a try. Portobellos can't fall through the grill slots as easy as say, zucchini coins.

The following recipe could o
bviously be modified to suit what ever taste.  However, it really does require a grill.  I tried to make it in a skillet pre-outdoor space days and it just went kind of soggy.  It is a good way to load on the veggie content and even with my modifications it is still pretty healthy.

Portobello Mushroom Pizza
adapted from the GI Diet Cookbook

2 Portobello Mushroom Caps
2 Slices of Tomato
2 slices of Prosciutto
1/2 cup mozzarella cheese (sliced or shredded)
2 teaspoons of pesto
Olive oil

1.  Pre-heat grill to medium high.
2.  Brush both sides of mushroom caps with the olive oil.
3.  Place the mushrooms on the grill stem side down and grill for 4 minutes.
4.  Flip the mushrooms over and grill for another 4 minutes until tender.
5.  Top with pesto, prosciutto, tomato and cheese.  Close top and grill from 5 minutes until cheese is melted. 

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