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Friday, June 13, 2008

A Good Breakfast Sanwich Is Hard To Find

So, my camera is pooched (or rather the battery is) and the post I was going to write about and the photos are trapped inside. Hopefully the new battery I bought will solve the problem, but until it charges I have a loaner camera from my friend Avery.

I never realized how much I use a camera. And as you can see I clearly need to play around with Avery's to learn how to use it. See grey photo at left.

I had "late" night last night spent having some sangria, talking with Kinnon in Paris and dancing around like crazy in Avery's living room.

As such I needed the kind of sustenance not usually provided in my everyday breakfast (1 cup berries, 1/2 cup All Bran, 1/2 cup yogurt).

I had been wanting to try the Starbucks breakfast sandwich for a while so this morning I went to get one. I opted for the Reduced Fat Bacon Style Turkey (I am not sure why they just don't say Turkey Bacon) and it was tasty! Very hearty and had a whole wheat english muffin. It just felt more substantial than old Rotten Ronny's (aka McJaundis). However, unlike the clown place my breakfast sandwich and "grande" tea cost just over $6 (!).

So more expensive, but you don't feel as guilty as it is healthier for you.

Stay tuned because I am entertaining the idea of a cleanse next week (my tummy hasn't been right lately and perhaps I need to clean house as it were).

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Still Busy

So still I find myself insanely busy with work, moving, weddings and goingaways.

I haven't really made anything new in the last few weeks, and I keep on rehashing this recipe I saw on Organgette (originally a Jamie Oliver creation). If you are busy try it out, it is instantly comforting.

Sometimes the best parties are the ones where everyone contributes and such was the case with my friend Kinnon's going away party this past Saturday. One day (when she is done moving) I will badger my friend Mel for her biscotti recipe. They were still warm when they got to the party.
Can you guess where Kinnon is going?

I am actually proud of these photos, so less words, more pictures. Who thought I would ever say that?