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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day Off

Today is another day off due to the venue needing to have a security sweep. All the venues have to do this in order to make sure that none of the workers left anything "suspicious" on site before the ceremonies begin. There are tons of RCMP in town right now, which is interesting.

Yesterday was a long one (1pm-11pm) as we finished Q to Q and had an evening rehearsal with the drummers, announcers, medal/flower bearers and stand-ins for the athletes, IOC and IF (the people who hang the medals on the athletes). It was basically a blocking rehearsal, not much for the ASMs to do but wrangle volunteers.

I have to wear a com and a radio for this show, and it is fascinating to listen to the PSM call cues. I keep thinking its too bad CAEA are so against anything non-union because my job would be an excellent opportunity for an apprentice SM. I love it when the PSM calls pyro FIRE! and cryo FIRE! She has to call it over an over again and she always sounds so excited.

We are back to work tomorrow for two days (rehearsal with PYRO!!!) and our host and dancers will be on site after tomorrow. The host is Hank from Corner Gas, which is pretty hilarious, I get to wrangle him alot.

Needless to say it is all coming together!

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