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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

An Ode To Snouts

Everyone has a favourite food.  For some it is as simple as a slice of pizza, others live for fois gras.  I can honestly say I can never get enough hot dogs.

That's right, hot dogs.

A girl who occasionally (sorry about that, wait am I apologizing to myself?) writes a foodie blog testing recipes and trying fancy restaurants, loves hot dogs.

A food rumoured (?) to be filled with the worst that meat has to offer.

Things at work have been silly and stressful and at home we have been busy getting ready for the big move (and all our friends big moves as well), but I knew last Friday would be one for the record books.  A few weeks ago we booked tickets to the Blue Jays "All You Can Eat" Hot Dog Game.  Technically, it was hot dogs, pop, popcorn, nachos and nuts.

The seats eligible for the "All You Can Eat" extravaganza were in the 200 level, which was PACKED.

Basically it was a free-for-all grab fest, so I got off to a heady start at 3 hot dogs.

Gone by the end of the first inning.

I ended up only eating four, but it was more than enough.  

Maybe it is the texture, maybe it is salt, but all I know is that I can't get enough.

I don't keep hot dogs at home really, but I have plenty of fond memories of late night street meat and summer BBQ's.  One of my most memorable birthdays was a champagne and hot dogs birthday friends threw for me a while back.  It was on our regular CSI night, and it was heaven.

Obviously everything in moderation, but once in a while a little decadence is divine.

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